In Phenix, you can search accounting transactions and view journal entry details.
You can choose to limit your search to only automated system journal entries or only manual journal entries.
When you select a journal entry, Phenix lists all journal entries for the transaction. You can view the details for each journal entry.
Searching Automated Portfolio Accounting Entries
To search automated journal entries:
- On the Phenix menu, click Accounting to open the Accounting menu.

2. On the Accounting menu, click Search Journal Entries to open the Search Journal Entries dialog.

3. In the Select Filter list, click System Entries.

5. Enter optional search details:
a. In the Account name box, enter an account name.
Tip: As you type in the account name box, a list of accounts matching your entry is displayed. To select an account from the list, click on the account.

b. In the Office list, select an office.

c. In the From date box, click in the box and then choose the date from the pop-up calendar. Use the left and right arrow keys beside the month and year to change the month.

d. In the To date box, click in the box and then choose the date from the pop-up calendar. Use the left and right arrow keys beside the month and year to change the month.

6. To view the details for a journal entry:
a. In the Search Journal Entries dialog, click a journal entry to show the Transaction dialog.

b. In the Transaction dialog, click a journal entry to show journal entry details in the View Journal Entry pop-up dialog.

c. To dismiss the View Journal Entry dialog, click the ‘Cancel’ button.

Searching Manual Journal Entries
To search manual journal entries:
- On the Mifos toolbar, click Accounting to open the Accounting menu.

2. On the Accounting menu, click Search Journal Entries to open the Search Journal Entries dialog.

3. In the Select Filter list, click Manual Entries.

4. Enter optional search details:
a. In the Account name box, enter an account name.
Tip: As you type in the account name box, a list of accounts matching your entry is displayed. To select an account from the list, click on the account.

b. In the Office list, select an office.

c. In the From date box, click in the box and then choose the date from the pop-up calendar. Use the left and right arrow keys beside the month and year to change the month.

d. In the To date box, click in the box and then choose the date from the pop-up calendar. Use the left and right arrow keys beside the month and year to change the month.

6. To view the details for a journal entry:
a. In the Search Journal Entries dialog, click a journal entry to show the Transaction dialog.

b. In the Transaction dialog, click a journal entry to show journal entry details in the View Journal Entry pop-up dialog.

c. To dismiss the View Journal Entry dialog, click the ‘Cancel’ button.