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  5. How to create a loan product account ?

How to create a loan product account ?

Loan accounts may be created for active clients, active groups, or for members of active groups. 

To create a loan account request for a customer

To create a loan account request for a customer, select the customer by searching for the desired customer in the global search. Once the customer information is displayed, click on the hamburger button then on applications and on news loan account.

Select the loan product to base the loan account on from the list of products. Complete the loan account fields with any default changes allowed and applicable to the loan application. Click Submit. The loan account request will be created with the status Pending Approval.

The loan account application will be created with a status of Pending Approval. Your financial institution will define the workflow and permissions for approving loans.

To create a group loan account application

To create a loan account application for a group, select the group by searching the desired group from Global Search. On the chosen group page, click on the Hamburger menu, then on applications then group loan application.

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